![]() We are DENTAL PEOPLE helping DENTAL COMPANIES, DENTAL PRACTICES, & DSOs get whatever they WANT!
Grow. Expand. Sell. Buy. Valuate. Differentiate. Partner. Align. AS OUR NAME SAYS, WE ARE DENTAL CONNECTORS! Dental manufacturers, dealers, services, technologies, Dental practices & DSOs CEO - Anthony Stefanou DMD, CBI Dentist and Certified Business Intermediary [email protected] 917.796.4538 ARE YOU THINKING OF....? 1. Having your dental company or practice valuated/appraised? 2. Selling your dental company OR acquiring one? 3. Affiliating your dental practice with a DSO/group? 4. GROWING / EXPANDING? Need assistance in BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT? 5. Getting a MARKET RESEARCH report done on some aspect of the dental industry? 6. Training your management/sales/marketing teams on how to better SELL or MARKET your product or service to dentists? (for this one, visit our www.dentalsalesacademy.com site). "How to Sell to Dental Offices" workshop is the #1 dental specific program in the industry and has been taken by over 30,000 people from 300+ companies PLEASE BROWSE OUR SITE ....and go to CONTACT US to ask a question or set up a CONFIDENTIAL call/meeting Connect the Dents is a M & A (Mergers & Acquisitions) advisory and business development company made up of a team of dental business professionals led by Dr. Anthony Stefanou, a dentist of 35 years and a CBI (Certified Business Intermediary) with a combined 130+ years of experience in the industry who are:
PLEASE NOTE: This represents ONLY a partial list of deals which CTD has been involved in. Many companies do not want public announcements made of who represented them during transactions and we must respect and honor those requests.
1. WE ARE DENTAL PEOPLE, and focus our efforts entirely on this great industry! CTD's Founder and Managing Partner, Dr. Tony Stefanou, Is a dentist with 35+ YEARS OF CLINICAL AND BUSINESS EXPERIENCE. He adds the benefit of having that "extra sense" of being able to better determine how companies "fit" with one another with the products/services they offer -- very important in any M & A process. He is also a CBI (Certified Business Intermediary)
2. We offer a structured, FORMAL approach to M & A (not just a "we'll get back to you IF something comes about"). We set up EVERYTHING that is needed up front (from valuation to preparation) to ensure an efficient process so there are no surprises. We communicate with our clients regularly. Our strategy is simple...to be PROACTIVE not passive! We do NOT match and disappear, but become an active, integral part of the process so the deal can end successfully.
3. We attend every major (and many smaller, regional, and/or "specialized") trade shows/conferences in order to meet FACE TO FACE with potential company buyers and sellers.
4. At trade shows/conferences, we regularly host networking cocktail parties, drawing a diverse group of industry clinical and business professionals, which often results in 100+ people in attendance. Many who attend are company executives who enjoy being able to make new dental acquaintances, talk to friends, and even mingle with "competitors"! Point being...this is highly unusual in dentistry, and CTD is known for, and branded, as a for "bringing companies and individuals together"! This is a major plus for those looking to choose an M & A advisor / representative asking themselves the question: "Who can find the right partner, investor, or acquirer for us?"
1. WE ARE DENTAL PEOPLE, and focus our efforts entirely on this great industry! CTD's Founder and Managing Partner, Dr. Tony Stefanou, Is a dentist with 35+ YEARS OF CLINICAL AND BUSINESS EXPERIENCE. He adds the benefit of having that "extra sense" of being able to better determine how companies "fit" with one another with the products/services they offer -- very important in any M & A process. He is also a CBI (Certified Business Intermediary)
2. We offer a structured, FORMAL approach to M & A (not just a "we'll get back to you IF something comes about"). We set up EVERYTHING that is needed up front (from valuation to preparation) to ensure an efficient process so there are no surprises. We communicate with our clients regularly. Our strategy is simple...to be PROACTIVE not passive! We do NOT match and disappear, but become an active, integral part of the process so the deal can end successfully.
3. We attend every major (and many smaller, regional, and/or "specialized") trade shows/conferences in order to meet FACE TO FACE with potential company buyers and sellers.
4. At trade shows/conferences, we regularly host networking cocktail parties, drawing a diverse group of industry clinical and business professionals, which often results in 100+ people in attendance. Many who attend are company executives who enjoy being able to make new dental acquaintances, talk to friends, and even mingle with "competitors"! Point being...this is highly unusual in dentistry, and CTD is known for, and branded, as a for "bringing companies and individuals together"! This is a major plus for those looking to choose an M & A advisor / representative asking themselves the question: "Who can find the right partner, investor, or acquirer for us?"